Monday, January 5, 2009

First Post of 2009

I can't believe that the first week of January 2009 is almost over! Time is going way too fast for my liking. But, time can be cruel when you need it to move fast, because then it moves way toooo slowww. Like this past Saturday when Sam went to see his dad. Well, he left at 12:30 and was not home until 6:30. The clock in the living room chimes every 15 minutes and that was torture!

I know most people would think I am crazy for wanting Sam home all the time, but with his situation with his dad, I only feel safe when he is home. For those who don't know, Sam was abused by his dad in August 2007, and has just recently started to have contact again. His dad has a Very confrontational attitude and likes to do or not do the complete opposite of whatever Sam's counselor or I have to say would be good or bad for Sam's emotional well-being. This is becoming more stressful each day as I try to figure out what I should say and how to say it. This past week, he made a very rude comment about Sam's counselor, but since it was on the phone, I have no proof. I think I am going to actually have to take him to court in order to have it be that we only use email and texting to communicate. I keep telling him that I want/need to use email, but he says the phone is more "grown-up". Incidentally, this was after he said his rude remark! I have tried to explain to him that emails leave a paper-trail that will be cover both our butts. There wouldn't be all the he-said-she-said.

But let me move on to some things that are not so depressing! I am waiting for Sam's PACES to arrive in the mail. Last semester, his curriculum was a hodge-podge of books from Sam's Club, Dollar Tree, WalMart, and print-out from the internet. We also used the Time 4 Learning website. But, I don't have the patience to keep having to put it all together. I figured that with the PACES, there will be less time spent on figuring out what we need to work on each week. He is supposed to be in first grade, but when I did the diagnostic tests, he tested in the middle of second grade! I was so happy for him! I am starting him 2 PACES behind what they called for so that he will have a chance to learn the style of their teaching. Please pray for us as we make the change :0)

Well, right now Sam is watching Rita Rocks (Lifetime TV), and since its almost 9, I need to start getting the house ready for bedtime. Lexie (our 7 month old Springer) is already out cold :0)

I hope you all have the patience to follow along with the things that I babble on about. I will try not to be a complainer, but we all need to vent sometimes!

I hope you all have a great week, and I will try to put some more pictures up this weekend. Sam will be gone on Saturday from 1:30 - 7:30 so please pray that he will be safe and that his dad will comply with what Sam's counselor says is best. We have an appointment tomorrow at 10:00, so I will know what she thinks the next step should be. We just need lots and lots of prayer!

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for the prayers that I trust will be sent heavenward on Sam's behalf :o)


  1. It was good to hear from you!!! I'm sorry to hear about your situation. You and your son will be in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Tanj

  2. Sorry to hear about your situation with your ex........I hope things work out for the best! We'll be thinking of you and praying too!

  3. I wanted to let you both, Tanjala and Melanie, know that I have seen your prayers working! Sam has made progress, and things are staying calm with his dad. Thanks for the prayers and kind words!
